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GEORGE ADIE  and JOSEPH AZIZE George Adie: A Gurdjieff Pupil in Australia

George Adie (1901-1989) studied with Ouspensky, Gurdjieff, and Mme. de Salzmann. He and his wife Helen lived and worked in London until Mr. Adie had to move to Australia for health reasons.  There they started a thriving group in Newport, New South Wales, which is recalled in detail here.  The second part of the book contains direct transmissions from Mr. Adie including some group meeting transcripts.  In addition, there are excerpts from a trove of letters between Mr. Adie and Jeanne de Salzmann, "guide and friend." The two corresponded until Mr. Adie's death.


Mr. Adie is not simply a "group leader." He expresses hard-won wisdom and possesses an uncanny insight into his students' inner workings and human psychology in general.  He conveys the practical mysticism which was part of Gurdjieff's method. Those who were part of this atmosphere came away with something extremely valuable which is faithfully conveyed in this book.


The new edition contains an appendix on Helen Adie as a Movements teacher as well as other comments.

GEORGE ADIE and JOSEPH AZIZE George Adie: A Gurdjieff Pupil in Australia

SKU: AD 200

    Gurdjieff Society of Newport:   2023

    Softcover, 377 pages

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