Luba Gurdjieff: A Memoir with Recipes
Luba Gurdjieff Everitt with Marina C. Bear
Luba Gurdjieff is G.I Gurdjieff’s niece. As a child she fled revolutionary Russia with her family and was part of life at the Prieure in France. As the introduction says, “To have tea with Luba is to be filled with food and stories.” This earthy, conversational account reveals a woman who lives from her essential nature and whose vitality shines through in her seventies. In the 1950’s with the help of the Bennett family she opened a Russian bistro in London which attracted people for decades. The second part of the book contains recipes from that period, including “Mr. Gurdjieff’s Special Salad” (the story surrounding this is as important as the ingredients).
LUBA GURDJIEFF A Memoir with Recipes
Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1993
Paperback, 106 pages