Parabola Anthology Series
The Inner Journey: Views from the Gurdjieff WorkJacob Needleman, editor. Ravi Ravindra, series editor.
Here are the voices of men and women who have sought to live this teaching, most of whom were directly guided by Gurdjieff. These individuals also lived and are living amid the forces and challenges of modern life. It is in fact this "Work in life" that is among the highest aims of the Gurdjieff teaching--the struggle, whatever the conditions of our lives, to awaken to the gift that descends from above. This book includes a DVD of the film, Meetings with Remarkable Men. These are the last hard copies of this film.
A note to our international customers: This DVD is manufactured in an NTSC format that is designed to play in North America and US territories. Some modern DVD players are equipped to play in other formats; however, it is prudent to make sure.
PARABOLA The Inner Journey: Views from the Gurdjieff Work
Sandpoint, ID: Morning Light Press, 2008
Paperback, 357 pages